
2 © Centre for Economics and Business Research Contents 1. Introduction and summary 3 1.1. Introduction 3 1.2. Summary 3 2. Background 4 2.1. Introduction 4 2.2. Timeline of schemes 4 The recent and current schemes 4 The Proposed Scheme 5 3. The experience of the existing scheme 6 3.1. Introduction 6 3.2. The transport impacts 6 3.3. Revenue and economic effects 9 3.4. Administration costs 9 3.5. Direct economic effects on users 9 3.6. Indirect economic effects 10 3.7. Total economic effects 10 3.8. Air quality impact 10 3.9. Conclusions 11 4. Differences between current and Proposed ULEZ areas 12 4.1. Introduction 12 4.2. Geography 12 4.3. Size and transport patterns 12 4.4. Administration costs 14 4.5. Estimated economic impact of the extension 15 4.6. Conclusion 16